Reports & Publications

Improving Health in Salem County - Rutgers

Improving Health in Salem County: Analysis of Local Data and Stakeholder Input

This report from the Rutgers University Center for State Health Policy share the conclusions drawn from their project to identify strategies to improve the health of Salem County residents through the analysis of existing data, interviews with local key informants and the evaluation of the anticipated effectiveness of potential program interventions. As a result of the extensive county-level information already published, the researchers identified data below the county level to pinpoint more local areas of need within the county.

Rutgers Center for State Health Policy — 2016

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ACNJ Babies Count Kids count report

ACNJ Babies Count Report

Advocate for Children of New Jersey, known for their annual Kid’s Count reports have created the 2018 New Jersey Kids Count report–Babies Count. This report breaks down the data on child well-being to focus on children under age 3, tracking how well infants and toddlers are doing, who they are and the challenges they face.

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NJ State Health Assessment

New Jersey State Health Assessment – 2018

A state health assessment is a foundational and collaborative approach to examining the health of a population. Developing the SHA involves a comprehensive review and analysis of statewide health data, interpretation of results, and distribution of findings. In New Jersey, the SHA and the subsequent State Health Improvement Plan, are coordinated by the New Jersey Department of Health, and lead to the shared implementation of comprehensive strategies for community health improvement. The SHA and SHIP together are collective, systematic undertakings of the Healthy New Jersey initiative.

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Best Practices Guide Cardiovascular Disease

Best Practices Guide – Cardiovascular Disease

The Best Practices Guide for Cardiovascular Disease highlights strategies that have been found to be effective for widespread control of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, but which are not yet being used widely as standard practice. The Guide focuses specifically on strategies used in healthcare systems and community programs linked to clinical services. Improvements made in these areas can help create environments where people are better able to receive quality care, make healthier choices, and take control of their health. CDC funds state and local programs and key partner organizations to put health care system interventions and community-clinical links into action to prevent CVD.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — 2017

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