Grantmaking Overview

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation is committed to supporting projects that enhance, improve, and transform the health, safety and well-being of the County’s residents. This is done primarily through the Foundation’s grantmaking process that is simultaneously attentive to community strengths and challenges. All grant opportunities are available through public notice through our website and/or announcements by the Foundation’s Executive Director. Online applications have specific instructions and forms, depending on the type of grant request.

Grant proposals and applications are first reviewed by Foundation staff, and then sent to the Foundation’s Grantmaking Committee and then finally the full Board for discussion, leading to approval or a denial of the request. Though the Foundation does its best to provide timely responses to requests, all proposals must go through the full review process, which can take up to two months.

The Foundation’s work is guided by its Mission and Values, as well as the Social Determinants of Health and Five Protective Factors. We believe that the “determinants” should be reframed as “drivers” of health, highlighting the Foundation’s desire to build on the strengths and strong traditions of community support from Salem County’s citizen volunteers, non-profit organizations, government offices, faith and business communities and health care providers. Our grantmaking is based on our belief in possibilities.

Salem Health and Wellness Foundation’s grantmaking is also driven by available data and community narratives. This information supports our priority setting and funding decisions. We strongly encourage all grant applicants to use the valuable combination of data, and the accompanying narratives, in shaping their proposals.

All applications must be submitted online –  APPLY NOW.