SHWF & CFNJ Announce New Grants

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation (SHWF) and the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) have announced grants totaling $134,832 to the following organizations. The grants come from the Salem Health and Wellness Fund at CFNJ.

Salem County Health & Human Services has received a grant in the amount of $40,000 to expand the number of free flu shots available to residents in 2015. The goal is to increase the number of clinics from six to nine held at various locations throughout the county. They plan to attend events such as the Salem Community College RN Alumni Walk & Fun Run-Health fair, as well as accept more invitations to take part in municipal employee health fairs, and taking part in more home visits with Meals on Wheels.

A grant in the amount of $89,000 was awarded to Mid-Atlantic States Career and Education Center to establish the Growing Stars Program”, an after-school and summer program for children in 3rd to 5th grades in Salem city schools. The Growing Stars Program” will utilize the CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) curriculum to focus on eating healthy and being active. The Center will operate in Salem City at the old St. Mary’s school on Oak Street.

Salem Middle School was awarded a grant in the amount of $2,500 to support its Rites of Passage program. The purpose of the Rites of Passage program is to promote socially acceptable behaviors, family unity, community involvement, importance of education as well as to promote the reality that all young men and women in Salem Middle School are important and deserve the opportunity to succeed academically, socially and emotionally through determination, commitment and purposeful opportunities. This program also stresses the importance of eating nutritiously and maintaining an active lifestyle as well as supports teen pregnancy prevention.

“The foundation is excited to assist organizations in expanding their existing programs and bring new ones to our community,” stated Brenda Goins, executive director. “Salem County has dedicated providers working to meet the needs of the residents and the foundation is pleased to build on those partnerships.”

Brenda L. Goins
Executive Director
Salem Health & Wellness Foundation