SHWF Announces Award to Salem County EMS Academy

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation recently awarded a grant to Salem County EMS Academy in the amount of $41,482.00. This grant will support the upgrade of their CPR manikins, airway head trainers, and the purchase of a new Basic Life Support Sim Man simulator.

The Salem County EMS Academy is an Emergency Medical Technician program that teaches anyone sixteen and older to become an EMT once they pass the program. The training program consists of 250 hours of class and practical sessions. Students from the Salem County Vocational School can attend the Academy for EMT training before taking the written state test to be certified.

Salem County EMS Academy assist the local sheriff and corrections officers as well as local municipal police departments with training in CPR, Narcan administration, bleeding control and assessing patients for immediate life threats. “The additional equipment will improve the learning process with hands-on skills that will strengthen our first responders,” stated Pam Holmes lead instructor.

“The Foundation is pleased to partner with the Salem County EMS Academy on this important project,” stated Brenda Goins executive director. “Access to specialized training not only for adults but our students brings another level of access to healthcare for our community.”

Brenda L. Goins
Executive Director
Salem Health & Wellness Foundation
(856) 299-4460