- Organizations classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and as public charities, under Section 509(a) of that code. Individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible for funding.
- Churches and religious organizations may be eligible to receive funding for activities that are non-sectarian and benefit the larger community.
- Government agencies and public schools are eligible for funding but not for programs where public funding has been eliminated.
- We do not fund:
- Institutions that discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, gender, or sexual orientation in policy or practice.
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Sectarian religious activities, political lobbying, or legislative activities
- Direct replacement of government support
Application narrative should be no more than seven pages, excluding Application Cover Sheet, Project Budget Form and any other supporting materials. Please limit supporting materials to documents that exclusively demonstrate your experience and ability to fulfill the requirements of this project.
Your proposal should include the following sections:
- Application Cover Sheet Complete the Application Cover Sheet.
- Applicant Background Provide a brief overview of your organization, its service area, participant/client demographics, overview of major programs and/or strategies, and how they further your mission.
- Project Description & Implementation Plan Provide a full description of the project and how it aligns with and furthers your organization’s mission and addresses recognized community health needs. Provide documentation to show that specific services/interventions represent the most effective way to reach the greatest number of people needing the service/intervention. Describe the goals of the proposed project, what will be implemented throughout the project, and how the project will address program, policy and environment strategies for impacting the community which the program will serve. Outline a comprehensive plan for accomplishing the goals and objectives. Describe the population the project will directly serve. Please use actual numbers (vs. percentages) whenever possible and cite the sources for demographic data. Provide existing evidence based practices you used to develop the project.
- Collaboration with Local Community Partners Describe your organization’s collaboration with other organizations in the community, and possible ways those collaborations can be strengthened through support from this grant.
- Evaluation Establish a realistic yet meaningful evaluation plan to measure project impact and progress toward meeting the stated goals. Describe how you will measure the impact of the project on participants and/or the Salem County community. Describe the specific indicators of change you will track and how often you will measure this change (please use known sources to support your hypotheses.) If you have a Logic Model, please include it. If awarded the grant, discuss how your organization will implement evaluation instruments.
- Other Support The Foundation will not support the entirety of any project, except for Pilot or Planning projects (Notification of funds available shortly). List other contributors and the amount pledged and/or received and your plans for sustaining the program in the future should it be successful. If you have applied for, or intend to apply for other funds to support this project, list the donors and the pending requested amounts, date of application and projected date of notification of award.
- Project Timeline Offer a timeline describing the roll-out of proposed activities and strategies or in the case of on-going projects, please include an operations plan for the grant period.
- Project Budget Complete the Project Budget Form (provided below). Include all indirect and directs costs for the project including personnel, trainings, equipment, program activities and program supplies.
- Budget Narrative Briefly explain all budget items and describe how you arrived at the costs and how you will track and record grant expenditures. Please use the Budget Form provided.
- Staff/Consultant Experience Describe the involvement of appropriate and qualified professionals and other experts in the project’s development and implementation. Attach a list of primary staff and/or consultants directly associated with the project and their qualifications. Provide resumes that detail related experience.
- Additional Materials to be Submitted
- Copy of current 501(c)(3) letter (if applicable)
- List of Board of Directors and their affiliations
- List of Senior Management Team, positions and years of service
- Staff responsible for project planning and implementation and their qualifications
- List contributors and amounts that have been pledged or received to support (or partially support) this project. List pending applications.
- Audited financial statements for 3 years.
- Current year budget, current P&L and current Balance Sheet
Grant funds may only be used for planning new projects, implementation of new services or to expand upon existing services. Grant funds may NOT be used for the following activities:
- Student Assistance Programs (SAP’s)
- Capital expenditures
- Lobbying
- Extensive and costly playground, gym or pool upgrades
- Replacement of existing funded programs or supplanting of general fund moneyfor any purpose.
Materials to Download: