Foundation funds continue to serve Salem County residents

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation (SHWF) and the Community Foundation of New Jersey (CFNJ) have awarded grants totaling $97,271 to the following organizations. The grants come from the permanently restricted Salem Health and Wellness Fund at CFNJ, which was created as part of an alliance between SHWF and CFNJ to improve health and wellness in Salem County.

A grant in the amount of $8,000 was awarded to Salem County TRIAD to serve seniors in the county. Funding will provide for an annual health fair, health screenings at quarterly meetings and expanding the Bracelet Program to include as many seniors as possible as well as individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities.

Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s, Grow Healthy Program was awarded $57,066 to expand this program into at least 4 additional schools in Salem County. Schools participating in Grow Healthy have an opportunity to establish a garden where fresh foods are incorporated into the cafeteria, complete the School Health Index for each school, establish Youth Advisory Councils, work with school wellness councils, etc. In addition, there will be training for teachers to use ‘edible education’ to support Common Core and Core Curriculum Content Standards.

A grant was awarded to Center for Supportive Schools in the amount of $30,000 to continue its work in teen pregnancy prevention in Salem Middle School, using the TeenPEP program. This evidenced-based program is entering Year 2 working with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. TeenPEP, a peer mentoring model, uses high school juniors and seniors as mentors for middle school students.

Salem County Prosecutor’s office has received a grant in the amount of $2,205 to supply Narcan kits to all municipalities in Salem County. Naxolone, also known as Narcan, is an opoiate overdose antidote. Law enforcement has successfully used the Narcan kits to reverse opiate overdoses in Salem County. Funding will increase the number of Narcan kits available to Salem County law enforcement.

“The foundation is pleased to continue our partnership with these organizations who are reaching into the community with programs and services that serve our residents,” stated Brenda Goins, executive director of SHWF.

The SHWF’s areas of interest are access to healthcare, preventative care and career opportunities. The foundation also established its Healthy Kids, Bright Futures initiative with a focus on childhood obesity and teen pregnancy prevention. Funding support for these areas and others come through the Salem Health and Wellness Fund established at CFNJ. Since the creation of the fund, more than $540,000 has been awarded for the benefit of Salem County residents only.