Early Childhood Education Sites Announced

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation held a kick-off for its Ready, Set, Grow early childhood nutrition education program being conducted by The Food Trust. There are five early childhood education centers participating in the program reaching nearly 200 children and their families.

The goal of the preschool program is to provide training and support in order to enhance the capacity of the centers to promote and encourage healthy eating among their students and families. The centers participating are United Way Children’s Space; Amazing Grace Early Learning Education Center; Penns Grove Head Start; Building Blocks Learning Center and Firm Foundations.

A kick-off was held on April 23 to bring all participants together to discuss the timeline of the program as well as the goals. “The early childhood education program in an integral part of the Healthy Kids, Bright Futures childhood obesity initiative,” stated Brenda Goins, executive director. “We believe that reaching the youngest of our children and their families with nutrition education and the importance of an active lifestyle will make a positive impact in their lives.” Support through The Food Trust will focus on policy work at the centers, how to infuse nutrition education and physical activity into the day-to-day activities of teaching, and to assist the centers to enhance what they are already doing.

Media Contact
Deborah Bentzel, The Food Trust, 215-575-0444 ext. 7189
Jamese Kwele, The Food Trust, 215-575-0444 ext. 7121
Brenda L. Goins, Salem Health & Wellness Foundation, 856-299-4460