Salem Health & Wellness awards $1,079,679 in grant funds

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation and the Community Foundation of New Jersey announced today $1,079,679 in grant funds were awarded to the following organizations since January 2017:

  • $100,000 — Habitat for Humanity –in support of their Handyman Program.
  • $275,000 — American Legion Ambulance Association — in support of their county-wide EMS effort, to reduce response times.
  • $292,500 — Bancroft — for programs that provide health related support for both residents and staff at their Lakeside location.
  • $87,000 — FamCare — to support the teen pregnancy initiative “Are You Talkin’ to Me?”
  • $60,000 — Salem Community College — providing scholarship support to the RN/APN educational tracts.
  • $25,000 — Elsinboro Fire Company — to assist in the purchase of a Power Load   Stretcher System for their new ambulance.
  • $15,299 — Ranch Hope — supporting the purchase of generators for two of their resident cottages.
  • $40,000 — Partners for Prevention — to expand their Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute program dealing with underage drinking to additional schools in the County.
  • $73,780 — Catholic Charities — for support of their Salem Nutrition Initiative working with emergency food pantries.
  • $98,000 — Meals on Wheels — in an effort to provide nutritious meals to seniors and disabled in Salem County by eliminating waiting lists.
  • $2,500 — Community Outreach Unlimited — to support a community-wide health fair with a focus on seniors.
  • $2,500 — Farmyard Education Foundation — to support outreach to preschools through the Foundation’s farm-to-school program.
  • $2,500 — Stand Up for Salem’s 10-mile Cowtown run which this year includes a 5-K as well.
  • $2,500 — Salem Little League — to purchase AED’s for the athletic fields.
  • $2,500 — Salem County Sheriff’s Office – to support education on safety during countywide emergencies.
  • $600 — Mary Shoemaker School — for a community health fair.

“We are pleased to establish new partnerships as well as support ongoing partnerships with organizations in Salem County,” stated Brenda Goins, executive director. There are many organizations throughout the county who are providing programs and services to our residents meeting their needs where they are.”

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